
General Information

Applying for graduate school at San José State University requires a two-step process. Graduate applicants must meet both the minimum 菠菜网lol正规平台 Eligibility requirements AND the MS ISE degree program requirements. 

International Students

Admission Requirements

Basic Admission Requirements

  1. A bachelor's degree in Industrial or Systems 工程 from an ABET-accredited University;
    - OR -
  2. A bachelor's degree in 工程 or Mathematical 科学s (including Mathematics, Statistics and Computer 科学) plus ISE courses specified by the Graduate Advisor to prepare for graduate work in the Department;
    - OR -
  3. A bachelor's degree in Natural 科学s plus ISE and MATH courses specified by the Graduate Advisor to prepare for graduate work in the Department.
    For application details, please refer to the F.A.Q's.

Requirements for Admission to Classified Standing

Applicants for classified standing will ordinarily be expected to have completed work for the BS degree in industrial engineering (or its equivalent) at San Jose State University or at another university with an accredited curriculum, with a grade point 平均3分.0 (B) or better in the upper division work.

Admission to Conditionally Classified Standing

If student's preparation for advanced graduate work is inadequate, he may be admitted to conditionally classified standing, and be required to take necessary preparatory courses before becoming classified. Such courses will not ordinarily count as part of the Master's degree program requirements. Students who are admitted on a conditionally classified basis must complete a "Change of Classification in Master’s Program" petition as early as possible upon completion of specified conditions. While in the conditionally classified standing, the student can take any graduate ISE courses that do not require any prerequisites not yet completed.

Frequently Asked Questions